To resolve your debts, it is important that you have a good overview of your current financial situation. On the Schuldenwijzer website you can quickly and easily gain online insight into the garnishments on your income.

Go to Schuldenwijzer

You can also report to your municipality for help with your debts. The municipality is obliged to help you with advice or with an application for debt mediation or debt rescheduling. They have many opportunities and connections with debt counsellors and administrators.

Find your municipality

HThe Legal Counter can also help or advise you in resolving your debts. On their website you can find a lot of information about the possibilities.

Go to  Juridisch Loket

Debt Relief Organisations

The New Bailiff

With The New Bailiff you are assured that your interests are served properly. This is a bailiff that only works for people in debt. Throughout the Netherlands.

The debt specialist helps you to get an overview and takes care of all the communications with your creditors, collection agencies and bailiffs. They create calm, provides information and advice and helps you with paying off your debts. This way, you have your own bailiff.

You can find information about The New Bailiff at or on their flyer.


Buddy is a budgeting app to help you with your banking. You can send Buddy a message if you have questions about bills, allowances or the amount of your benefits. Buddy watches along with you and gives useful tips to save on purchases or fixed costs.


FiKks is an anonymous app and can be downloaded for free on your phone via the app store. You start your journey at fiKks by choosing a personal buddy. In the app you get an overview of your financial situation. Your buddy is there to answer all your questions.


MoneyFit is a portal especially for young people aged 16 to 26 who help each other to stay financially fit with tips and information about money.


GeldFit helps you to keep or get your money affairs fit. Take the free test and immediately receive concrete advice for your situation. You will also receive tips on which organizations can help you with your money matters. You can find these organizations near you.


The volunteers of Schuldhulpmaatje give free expert help to anyone who needs it, without judgement.

Chatten voor advies

Every month, hundreds of people with money troubles call or chat for free and anonymously with the national telephone number 0800-8115 for advice and appropriate help with money worries.